1A David Street, Lalor VIC 3075 | Telephone: (03) 9465 2180 | Email: lalor@cam.org.au
Under the care of Scalabrinian Missionaries
Confirmation is one of the seven sacraments instituted by Christ for the conferral of
sanctifying grace and the strengthening of the union between individual souls and God.
Children who have received who have been baptised, received their First Reconciliation and their First Communion are able to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. The Archdiocese of Melbourne states that they must be in Year 6 with the minimum age being eleven. In case of danger of death, Confirmation may be conferred at any age. Evidence of baptism is to be submitted to the Parish Priest.
Each candidate for Confirmation is to have his/her own sponsor. In order to keep the connection with baptism, it is recommended that the godparent also be the sponsor. However it is permissible to choose another as sponsor. It is not permissible to have one person as a proxy for all boys or girls who are being confirmed.
Confirmation Program at St Luke's Parish
The Sacrament of Confirmation is available to children in year 6 or higher who have been baptised, made their first reconciliation and First Holy Communion. Children wishing to register should attend a Registration/Orientation Evening.
Following registration children need to attend preparation classes with their parent. These are usually held in the Parish Centre on weekday evenings.