1A David Street, Lalor VIC 3075 | Telephone: (03) 9465 2180 | Email: lalor@cam.org.au
Under the care of Scalabrinian Missionaries

In 1980, the General Superior, in his report to the General Chapter of that year, stressed, among other points, the necessity of a wider vocational promotion in all the provinces. For the Province of St. Frances Cabrini (then only in Australia), its Provincial Superior, Fr. Dominic Ceresoli, CS in his report to the same General Chapter 1980, wrote that, “while a vocation promotion effort is being carried on in Australia, the question is raised whether this effort should be made in the countries from which the migrants come; in particular, in the countries of Asia.” He went on to state: “In Australia itself the need is felt to have missionaries of different nationalities, since migrants into Australia are no longer Italian, but of other nationalities.”
In his report to the General Chapter of 1992, the Provincial Superior observed that “our Province, from being a Province without direct commitment in seminary formation, became a Province in which seminary formation demands and will demand the commitment of a good portion of its personnel and financial resources."
The Scalabrinian presence in Indonesia began with the invitation to our Congregation and Province by a Mexican Servite Sister, Sr. Alicia Sandoval, to accept as candidates for the Scalabrinian Congregation. In 2001 our province accepted her invitation and, with the approval of our General Administration and of the Ruteng Bishop, it began vocation promotion and seminary formation in that country.
The Ruteng Scalabrinian seminary, adapted from an existing storage house, could adequately house up to 40-50 candidates. After the first two groups completed their preparatory or propaedeutic year in Ruteng, at first they continued with their philosophy studies in Manila, Philippines. But it became soon necessary to provide for their studies in Indonesia. After one year in a rented house in Jakarta, Java, a permanent home for the philosophy seminary was opened in Maumere, Flores, where they attend the philosophy faculty in nearby Ledalero, conducted by the Society of the Divine Word (SVD). Once they obtain their bachelor degree in philosophy, they transfer to the Philippines for their postulancy and novitiate.
It was in 2003 that surveys and consultations began to be made about a possible Scalabrinian presence in Vietnam. People in Vietnam and people in Australia and Philippines who knew about the situation in Vietnam, all encouraged our Province to begin vocation promotion in Vietnam.
More visits were made to Vietnam, more reports and discussions were held. Thus we arrived at the Provincial Assembly of April 4-7, 2005. The Provincial Administration, in its annual report for this Assembly, included the following proposal n. 5 about Vietnam. "We plan to begin accepting candidates for the 2005 school year, e. i. August-September. Responsible: Provincial Administration